
iMazingBackupExtractor.EnjoyadvancedbackupbrowserandextractorfeaturesforyouriPhoneandiPad.iMazingissimplythebestiOSdevicemanagerforMac ...,iBackupViewercanhelpyoutoextractiOSapps'datafromiPhonebackups,andpreviewthefilesinmanydifferentformats.Youcansaveasinglefileorallof ...,FreeiPhoneBackupExtractorforiPhone,iPadandiPodTouch.Recovercontacts,photos,SMS,notesandappdataonWindowsorMac.,100%Safe&am...

iPhone Backup Extractor & Browser

iMazing Backup Extractor. Enjoy advanced backup browser and extractor features for your iPhone and iPad. iMazing is simply the best iOS device manager for Mac ...

iPhone Backup Extractor and Viewer

iBackup Viewer can help you to extract iOS apps' data from iPhone backups, and preview the files in many different formats. You can save a single file or all of ...

iPhone Backup Extractor for Windows and Mac

Free iPhone Backup Extractor for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Recover contacts, photos, SMS, notes and app data on Windows or Mac.

iPhone Backup Extractor free download

100% Safe & Free iPhone iTunes Backup Extractor for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Recover and extract files to retrieve contacts, photos, chats, SMS and more.

iPhone Backup Extractor

iPhone Backup Extractor runs on your PC or Mac, and supports device access over USB, and reads data from iPhone, Finder and iTunes backups. What our users ...

iPhone Backup Extractor

它支持Windows 或Mac 吗? iPhone Backup Extractor 可在任何现代Mac(macOS 10.11 或更高版本)和任何现代PC(Windows 7 SP1 或更高版本)上运行。 可以从iCloud 备份 ...

What's the best iPhone backup extractor software?

2023年12月27日 — I'm currently looking for recommendations on the best iPhone backup extractor available on my Mac. I have several backups stored in iTunes ...

【超好用】5 款iPhone 備份軟體推薦!

2023年9月15日 — 步驟2:選擇iTunes 備份管理,進入「備份與還原」,點擊「備份」即可。 ThinkSky iTools. 優點. 在iOS 和PC / Mac 之間傳輸音樂、照片、影片。 支援 ...


2016年6月1日 — 接著說明備份萃取方式,先利用iBackup Viewer檢視,然後透過iPhone Backup Extractor萃取。 利用iBackup Viewer檢視 使用iBackup Viewer可以從iPhone備份 ...


2019年6月20日 — iTunes Backup Extractor旨在瀏覽內容,通話記錄,短信和應用程序的iPhone備份。從iPhone備份數據庫中提取信息很容易。它也無法從iCloud中提取數據。 優點 ...